There are many kinds of hats, According to the use: there are snow cap, rain cap, sun hat, safety helmet, dust cap, sleeping cap, work cap, tourist cap, top hat, etc.; according to the objects and styles, there are male cap, female cap, children's cap, lovers' cap, cowboy cap, sailor's cap, military cap, police cap, professional cap, etc.; according to the production materials, there are fur hat, felt hat, woolen hat, long fur hat, cashmere hat, straw hat, etc According to the style characteristics, there are beret, cap, bell cap, triangle pointed cap, forward cap, youth cap, shawl cap, women's hat, Longjiang hat, Beijing style cap, Shanxi hat, cotton ear hat, octagonal hat, melon skin cap, tiger head cap, etc. The size of the hat is indicated by a "sign". The marking part of the cap is the inner ring of the lower mouth of the cap. The circumference of the inner ring of the lower opening of the cap is measured with a tape measure, and the data obtained is the cap number. The "number" is based on the size of the head circumference. The method of taking the number of the cap is to measure the head (over the forehead and the most prominent part at the back of the head) with a tape measure. The tape can rotate slightly. At this time, the circumference of the head is the size of the head circumference. Determine the cap number according to the head circumference.

The specifications of
Chinese hat are from 46, 46-56 are children's hats, 55-60 adult hats and over 60 are oversized caps. The difference between the numbers is 1cm, which forms a series. The quality of hat is generally reflected from specifications, shapes, materials and production. Specifically, the specification and size shall meet the standard requirements; the shape shall be beautiful and generous, the structure is reasonable, and the parts shall be symmetrical or coordinated; the materials used shall meet the requirements. The color of each part of the single color cap shall be consistent, and the color of each part of the fancy hat shall be coordinated; the warp and weft yarn shall be free of wrong direction, skew, and the fabric shall be free of obvious defects; the coat shall be neat, without hair falling and worm; the accessories shall be complete; the brim shall be of certain hardness. The positions of all parts of hat shall meet the requirements, the sewing line shall be neat, and the color matching with the fabric shall be reasonable without opening, loosening and continuous needle jumping; the cap mouth shall be free of obvious eccentric waist, and the eave shall be straight and suitable for sticking; the surface of the woven hat shall not be uneven, uneven, uneven and uneven in pattern; the cotton in the cotton cap shall be evenly paved and the receiving thread shall be properly distributed; the decorative parts on the cap shall be correct and coordinated; embroidery shall be embroidered The type is not walking, wrinkle free; the whole hot plain clothes are beautiful, and there is no wrinkling phenomenon in the hat; the hat is clean and free from stains, creases and damages.